Automatic Dual Head Vertical Placer

Places two components simultaneously.

Two head automatic vertical cap placer is designed to vertically place a large threaded cap onto a rigid container and start the cap to a fully seated position on the container.

Machine Features

  • Automatic Vertical Placer
  • Available with Starwheel or Timing Screw Push Thru
  • Dual Head
Download the Automatic Dual Head Vertical Placer brochure

What does this machine do?

Two head automatic vertical cap placer is designed to vertically place a large threaded cap onto a rigid container and start the cap to a fully seated position on the container.

This type of machine is often necessary on cap sizes above 80mm and can reach speeds of 40 BPM on very large caps and containers when coupled with an inline cap tightener. This combination of machines has an economic advantage over expensive multi head conventional chuck style capping machines.

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