Semi-Automatic Corrosion Resistant Time Gravity

Semi-automatic time gravity filling machine suitable for corrosive environments.

This filler is best suited for water and very thin liquids whose viscosity does not change with ambient temperature or with batch variation. It is especially suited for caustic and corrosive product where recirculation of the product is not possible.

Machine Features

  • PLC control with simple single button programmability offers convenient “one shot” operation
  • Constructed of fiberglass and plastic components for extreme corrosion protection
  • Plastic fluid path
  • Nozzles are constructed with Kynar body and Teflon diaphragm
  • Nozzles have built-in flow control for simplicity of setup and machine configuration
  • Precision manual bottle height adjustment with no tools required
  • Options: Diving nozzle heads for in the neck filling
Dimensions: 36″ L x 36″ W x 36IN H
Utilities: Electric: 110 VAC / 5 Amps Air: 15 cfm @ 80 psi
Download the Semi-Automatic Corrosion Resistant Time Gravity brochure

What does this machine do?

This filler is best suited for water and very thin liquids whose viscosity does not change with ambient temperature or with batch variation. It is especially suited for caustic and corrosive products where recirculation of the product is not possible.

Two to four nozzles are actuated by a timer for very precise fills on thin liquids. Fiberglass and UHMW plastic construction are impervious to bleach or strong acids – even the fasteners are fiberglass. It has single cycle operation initiated by push-button and the filling sequence is controlled entirely by the operator. The smallest footprint (floor space) required.

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