Shrink Sleeve

Applies shrink sleeves for product decoration.

Shrink sleeve applicators and heat tunnels are used both for applying a tamper evident band around the top of a container or a full or partial shrink sleeve with graphics used as a label.

Machine Features

  • floor stand mounted and can be height adjusted from 36″ to 52″
  • Sleeve material lay flat range: 15 to 110 mm with sleeve material thickness of 40 to 200 microns
  • Cap size range to 69mm
  • Options: Print registration
  • Vertical or horizontal or T-Style perforation
  • Low film warning
  • NEMA 4 electrical enclosure
  • Heat shrink tunnels
  • No band detect/reject
Download the Shrink Sleeve brochure

What does this machine do?

Shrink sleeve applicators and heat tunnels are used both for applying a tamper evident band around the top of a container or a full or partial shrink sleeve with graphics used as a label. Tamper bands around the top of the container and cap are used not only for tamper evidence but also to conceal variations in fill heights of products that normally occur in glass bottles.

A shrink band system consists of both the applicator and a heat source. A heat tunnel is often necessary to achieve consistent appearance of the shrink.

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