Standard Pail Filling Machine

Fills standard pails with various products.

Used for bulk filling of 5-gallon pails by volume only. (See Net Weigh Fillers for filling pails, totes, and drums by weight) This is an economical alternative to filling pails with bulk chemical and other typical low-cost liquid products.

Machine Features

  • Exclusive Feature: Diving Nozzles for Sub Surface Filling of Foaming Products
  • Exclusive Feature: 18″ wide Friction Controlled Powered Roller Conveyor for soft start handling of pails
  • Utilities: Air: 7cfm @ 80psi, Electrics: 110V 1p 50/60 Hz
  • Other electrics available on request at additional cost
Download the Standard Pail Filling Machine brochure

What does this machine do?

Used for bulk filling of 5-gallon pails by volume only. (See Net Weigh Fillers for filling pails, totes, and drums by weight) This is an economical alternative to filling pails with bulk chemical and other typical low-cost liquid products.

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